It’s comparable to claiming that all cars are identical because they share similar features such as having four wheels, running on unleaded or diesel fuel, using air to inflate tires, and transporting passengers from one point to another. However, this kind of thinking overlooks the distinctions between a high-performance sports car like a Ferrari and an economy car like a VW Polo. The same can be said for Moissanite, some are Ferrari level quality and others the cheapest chinese mockup. .

OgilvieGems are pleased to introduce Charles&Colvard‘s (The Original Re-Creators, Patent Holders and Pioneers of Moissanite, the first in their class and the best in their class. Proven – do your homework – do not be mis-lead by fancy terms) newest premium line of Moissanite gemstones. Forever One captures all of the same amazing properties as classic Moissanite, but is now available for the first time as a colorless gem grading D, E, and F on the GIA diamond color scale.
The Forever One is now available in 2 grades – “colorless” (D-E-F) and “near-colorless” (G-H-I).
Forever One Moissanite is truly the best diamond replacement in the world. Charles & Colvard Lifetime Warranty DEF Moissanite. Found it Cheaper? We will beat any written quote from all reputable sources offering Charles & Colvard Moissanites
For orders of loose stone please contact us.
The below is directly taken from Charles and Colvard
OgilvieGems do not supply any other created moissanite except Charles and Colvard and it is our believe that they are unrivaled on every platform across the world.
Credit: Charles and Colvard
Better Made, Better Cut
Moissanite is one of the rarest minerals found in nature, and we’ve made it our mission to share its beauty and brilliance with the world. Our experts have recreated moissanite in a lab to deliver you an artfully crafted, socially responsible and eternally brilliant gemstone.
Redefining Luxury
Forever One is our premium brand of moissanite, and it’s helping create new standards within the fine jewelry industry. Forever One is a brilliant choice at a fraction of the cost of a comparable diamond.
Better for the World
We prioritize environmental and ethical responsibility in the creation of our moissanite. The beauty and premium quality of our gems, paired with our commitment to our principles, makes Forever One a superior, sustainable and conflict-free gemstone.
Created with Intention to Defy Expectation
Forever One is the epitome of created moissanite. It’s the outcome of over 20 years of continued innovation, and is available in two color grades: colorless and near-colorless.
The Promise of Forever™
Every Forever One created gem is guaranteed to remain as beautiful as the day you bought it and comes with a limited lifetime warranty that protects against damage to the stone and any changes in color, clarity or brilliance.
Charles & Colvard Created Moissanite
We’ve been creating moissanite for more than two decades and have spent this time tirelessly refining the way we produce this beautiful, man-made gemstone. We’re dedicated to creating better products and developing better techniques to enhance the stunning brilliance of our moissanite.