All custom engagement rings come with a 100% money-back guarantee if the ring was not created along the agreed-upon design, or outside of our stipulated time frame (Ts & Cs Apply).
30-60% under RETAIL
As we get to source each stone for custom orders from various brokers within the industry, we can land some amazing deals with up to 60% off on some diamonds and other amazing gem stones!
Already have a design? We will BEAT ANY 3 WRITTEN QUOTES on your custom design. (Ts & Cs Apply)
FOR THE ONE PAYING – Every custom-designed ring comes with a FREE OgilvieGems watch to congratulate you for doing the right thing on getting your partner the perfect ring.
More than the perfect ring, we want you to have the perfect marriage!
We are super excited to let you know that OgilvieGems now offer clients the amazing opportunity to pay for their lifelong investment. What makes this opportunity so amazing is that he is not a depreciating vehicle you taking on hire repurchase that you will only use for 5 years, this is a lifelong investment, even if you could theoretically pay it off over 30 years it would still be amazing, after all this is forever!
When we say it lasts a lifetime, we mean it.
OgilvieGems, South Africa’s Premier Custom Hand Crafters of Fine Jewelry
OgilvieGems lead the local industry with our unmatched 14K, 18K (White | Rose | Yellow) Gold and Platinum Custom Hand Crafted Jewelry. Our customer approval and constant striving to provide world class service has made OgilvieGems the Premier Hand Crafter of Fine Jewelry in South Africa.
Whether we’re working with an individual client or a company, we guarantee you’ll receive only the best quality products and service from us. Our unmatched quality is what drives our confidence within the industry.
OgilvieGems are also the proud owners of: SapphireSA & GrowndiamondsSA
We stand behind our quality and craftmanship. Our reputation is all we have and all we live for. Nothing else matters. This is not just my brand, but Ogilvie is who I am, it’s my Surname, my passion, my legacy.
We are passionate about relationships and value. We believe that the value of each jewelry item lies in the sentiment thereof more than anything else, hence we specialize in crafting SA’s most desired designs.
Her Desire = Our Passion
Don’t be that guy!
Don’t let him be that guy!
She deserves the best, and the best is a custom | bespoke | unique just for her design by OgilvieGems, yes that design she desires.
80% of women secretly hate their engagement ring, you don’t need to be part of the statistic.
Our mission = combat the statistic
By Crafting the Finest Bespoke work South Africa has ever seen
There are always cheaper options on the market for the “same” supposed offerings.
Take careful note of the specifications involved in each quote when doing comparisons.
OgilvieGems only cast in 14K, 18K (White | Yellow | Rose) Gold and Platinum. Our Reasons for not offering 9K and 10K Gold as standard is purely due to the purity of each metal and the market that we are in. We are not competing with the local jeweler or chain store, rather with the higher end custom market with our hand crafted work. Quotes are generally structured with 14K, 18K, and Platinum as base metal choices, unless specified by client or budget constraints.
We feel our base metal offering should not fall below the 50% Purity in Gold. 9K and 10K Gold offerings fall below 50% purity) where as 14K (Au585- 58.5% purity) and 18K (AU750 – 75% Purity) as well as platinum (PT950 – 95%) fall in that higher end purity ranges between 58.5 and 95%.
The same goes for all the Gems we use in our jewellery. OgilvieGems only make use of Loupe Clean or Eye Clean Graded Gems.
Mined Diamonds: Only GIA Certified Mined Diamonds will be used under natural diamonds – on request we might do another certification or treatment, but this will be laid out in the quote in detail.
Grown Diamonds – Our utmost favorite diamond and our general go to, yes you read it right. We absolutely love authentic grown diamonds. These authentic (100% Real Natural Carbon) diamonds are grown from a Natural Diamond Seed. Chemically and Compositionally Identical to Natural Diamonds, because well they are authentic diamonds. These are Eco- Friendly and Environmentally Conscious Choices.
Diamond Simulants, or simulated diamonds are not Diamonds – we do not do Simulated Diamonds!
Moissanite | Diamond Carborundum | Silicon Carbide: (Charles and Colvard) and (Majestic) top the list when it comes to quality and being authentically true Moissanite. Not all Moissanite is Moissanite. Not all Moissanite carry the correct ratio of carbon to silicon, nor is grown in the correct “natural simulated” growth patterns that top rated brands do.
Charles and Colvard are the original creators and patent holders of Moissanite, with the best patented roughage and growth process, placing them lightyears ahead of anyone else in the industry with Majestic a close second. Its come to our attention that some companies are selling fake Charles and Colvard Warranty stones, with warranty cards, therefore we urge you to make use of only authorized South African representatives which can be found on their portals.
When going alternative, stick to the best!
OgilvieGems is an official registered Charles & Colvard Retailer
OgilvieGems are pleased to introduce Charles & Colvard‘s newest premium line of Moissanite gemstones.
Forever One captures all of the same amazing properties as classic Moissanite but is now available, for the first time, as a colorless gem, grading D, E, and F on the GIA diamond color scale.
The Forever One is now available in 2 grades – “colorless” (D-E-F) and “near-colorless” (G-H-I).
Forever One Moissanite is truly the best diamond replacement in the world.
Charles & Colvard Lifetime Warranty Moissanite
Please visit www.charlesandcolvard.com/ for more detail and research. OgilvieGems encourage proper research ensuring you make the best decision for your future investment. Knowledge is Power so take the power into your hands.